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Guideline for Authors

  •  In the measured leave following the margins of the page size A4

- On the right and left Page 2.5 cm.

- From the top and bottom of the page 3.85 cm.

- Page divided into two columns 1 cm distance between them.

- Length 23 cm, including the header, and 16 cm width, including the distance between the two columns (column 7.5cm).

  • Articles in Arabic language must not exceed 25 pages including Arabic and English abstracts, references and appendices.
  • Articles in English language must not exceed 20 pages including Arabic and English abstracts, references and appendices.
  • The following items are written in both languages (Arabic and English): Title of the study, author'(s) names and affiliations as well as contact details of the principal author.
  • The Arabic article abstract must not exceed 100 words and the English abstract 100 words including the following elements: (research aims, methods, important results, conclusion, and recommendations).
  • Abstract must be followed by keywords related to the main topic of the article, and must not exceed 3 words.
  • Margins of the manuscript must be 3 cm from right and left, and 2.5 cm from top and bottom, and the line spacing must be single for both languages manuscript (Arabic and English).
  • The font and size of the Arabic article must be as follows:

The font of the manuscript must be " Lotus Linotype” and the sizes of the font must be (12) Normal for the main text, (10) black for the abstract and (10) black for tables and graphs including the title and footer of the table and graphs as well as comments.

  • The font and size of the English article must be as follows:

The font of the manuscript must be " Times New Roman" and the sizes of the font must be (10) Normal for the main text, (8) black for the abstract and (8) black for tables and graphs including the title and footer of the table and graphs as well as comments.




Last updated on : January 12, 2023 1:13am