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Demonstrators and Scholars Affair Unit


It assumes the responsibility to meet departments needs for demonstrators. It is also assigned to ensure that scholar students enroll in prestigious and top universities in the world to achieve a high quality faculty performance in the future.


Completing and following up all scholarship procedures and students’ educational status.

Following up the performance of scholarship students and help them to overcome all difficulties which confront them. 

Implementing the decisions of the College Council regarding demonstrators and scholarship students.

Overseeing the transactions and study progress through studying reports.

Ensuring that demonstrators meet all scholarship requirements.

Participating to prepare the demonstrators for the scholarship by workshops, conferences and internal and external courses.

Developing new avenues for scholarship and concluding agreements with prestigious universities and colleges in partnership with College Vice Deanship and coordination with relevant departments . 

Creating and updating a data bank contains all information for demonstrators and scholarship students.

Submitting the recommendation on the scholarship of college administrative and technician staff and others in accordance with the plan approved by university.

Recommending to extent or end scholarship or training in coordination with relevant bodies.

Preparing an annual detailed report of the scholarship, demonstrators training in all departments and submitting it to the Vice Deanship for Graduate Studies and Scientific Research in order to submit it to College Council.


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Last updated on : February 9, 2023 12:24pm