Administrative Affairs Unit,
Administrative Affairs Unit is assigned to arrange all administrative work, follow up the administrative staff attendance and discipline, submit joining and vacation requests , follow up the maintenance of the building and classrooms preparation, request for classrooms preparation, receive the mail, transactions and circulars which are sent to the college then register and redirect them to other departments, export the outcoming transactions from the college departments and direct them for the external entities and respond to the customers inquiries about the transactions process in the university main departments and the governmental bodies such as general department of traffic or passports. In addition, it is assigned to arrange the transports from/to the college, manage the assets of the college and staff , receive and distribute furniture to the college units and staff, arrange the process of registering and removing the assets from individual custody, approve the clearance related to the college warehouse and coordinate with university central warehouses in all related matters.
1) Providing warehouse with requirements.
2) Tracking employee's attendance and leaves.
3) Incoming transactions.
4) Outcoming transactions.
5) Making assets transfer between the college staff.
6) Receiving the items in custody and approving the clearance for college staff.
7) Returning the damaged assets to the central warehouse.
8) Handing over and receiving the rooms' keys from staff
9) Providing transportation for the college activities.
10) Receiving & Delivering the mail.